what you're really thinking......who is she ?!
As related to me, and with her permission......
"You're the real deal. You're a real lady with the lamp." Carole S.
Passionate About Inspiring Others
I want to pass on the knowledge, insight and inspiration that I have learned and experienced from others and cultivated along the way. Pay it forward. And raise the bar and the sunshine quotient.
Certified Life Mastery Consultant
BSN Alfred University when it was #1 in NYS
RN NYS Education Department Current Registration
CLNC Certified Legal Nurse Consultant
NYC Certification in Applied Positive Psychology
Fellow Member of the Institute of Coaching affiliated with McLean Hospital and Harvard University
Current certifications for licensure
Transformational Life Coach
Entrepreneur looking for ways to spread good ideas
Writer writing about ways to inspire and elevate awareness
Teacher willing to share skills
I don't know all the answers, but I can find them
Working on being the best role model that I can be